
Client: Pagita


Pagita is an Internet of Things (IoT) solution that transforms every vending machine into a smart machine, capable of connecting to the web to provide advanced services.

Pagita: an IOT solution for vending machines


The vending machine industry has a global value of $145.4 billion, with 35 million machines installed.

Italy leads Europe with the highest number of vending machines: over 800,000 machines, generating a total turnover of 1.8 billion euros.

The market demands increasingly connected vending machines capable of transferring and receiving information from both consumers and operators.

Pagita transforms every vending machine into a ‘smart’ machine by connecting it to the web and offering end customers new services, including the ability to make cashless payments.

Pagita has received funding from the European Commission to develop a feasibility study defining the expansion strategy into international markets.



Developing a feasibility study with the aim of:

  • Defining the market potential of the product in relation to the target markets.
  • Outlining additional pipelines for technological development.
  • Finalizing the project’s business plan.
  • Defining the most appropriate distribution strategy.
  • Identifying the latest technological trends.


Pagita has been funded by the European Commission through the SME Instrument (Phase 1), receiving a grant of €50,000 for the development of the feasibility study.



idea-re supported Pagita in the submission of the funding application and in the development of the feasibility study.

Lugi Palumbo

idea-re ci ha aiutato a migliorare aspetti del nostro business di cui eravamo coscienti, ma che non eravamo in grado di fare emergere nel modo più appropriato. Ci ha inoltre affiancato nel processo di accesso allo Strumento per le PMI,consentendoci di aggiudicarci il primo grant da 50.000€"

Lugi Palumbo - Ceo e Cofounder

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