Innovation Lab: Citybility

Client: Citybility


Citybility is a new service aimed at improving the lives of citizens by supporting local Non-Profit projects and fostering the growth of businesses in the area.

Innovation Lab: Citybility


Citybility transforms shopping into donations for local Non-Profit organizations. Simply make purchases at businesses listed in the app, and a portion of the receipt will be donated to selected and validated local non-profit projects by Citybility.

Citybility brings benefits to three categories of stakeholders:

  1. Customers: Every purchase made at participating stores allows a portion of the receipt value to be donated to local non-profit projects.
  2. Businesses: Shop, bar, or restaurant owners can enhance their visibility, reputation, and profits while simultaneously supporting local Non-Profit projects.
  3. Non-Profit Organizations: Local non-profit associations can initiate innovative and cost-effective fundraising processes.
Innovation Lab: Citybility


  • Business Model Redesign
  • Technological Model Redesign


Innovation Lab: Citybility


Three-week Innovation Lab structured around a design thinking approach and utilizing Lean Startup tools and gamification.

Innovation Lab: Citybility


  • Customized Innovation Lab Design
  • Management and Development of Facilitation Workshops

Used services:

Innovation Lab
Ivan Ciaburri

Grazie agli strumenti utilizzati, siamo riusciti a parlare una stessa lingua all'interno del gruppo di lavoro, prerequisito fondamentale per raggiungere il pivot che ci eravamo prefissati. Servizio a 5 stelle, come se fossimo su Amazon.

Ivan Ciaburri - CEO

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Tel. +39 0287186866


Via Copernico, 38 c/o Copernico – Milano


Via Circonvallazione Est 221, Marano sul Panaro (MO)