Communicating skills

Client: ITS Paradisi

Education Institute

Design thinking to develop the First Curriculum

Design thinking for Schools

Communicating skills

Markets are relationships, and so is the labor market: Communicating Skills is a training project designed for high school seniors.

The training program provides all the tools for a comprehensive understanding of the current job market: interconnected and where technical skills and ‘soft skills’ together contribute to creating the profile of the (future) ideal candidate.

The goal of Communicating Skills is to equip students with the skills to effectively communicate their own competencies, using highly innovative methods and tools: design skills, social media marketing, personal branding.

Communicating skills


Providing final-year students with all the tools to compile their own CV, apply for a job position, and successfully undergo a job interview.

Communicating skills


The project unfolds through interactive and instructional modules, alternating theoretical lessons with practical exercises. Students learn the use of tools they can immediately start applying.

The main topics covered include:

  • The job market in 5 to 10 years
  • Diverse job environments: large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), freelancing, startups
  • Designing one’s own CV
  • Job interviews: effectively communicating one’s skills
Communicating skills


  • Design Thinking: We apply design thinking to assist students in ‘prototyping’ and ‘testing’ their own curriculum.
  • Business Game: We simulate the job application and selection process, leading up to the job interview.
Communicating skills

Project Partners

The project is partnered with Fruitecom, a communication agency specialized in the food industry.

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Via Circonvallazione Est 221, Marano sul Panaro (MO)