Cascade funding – Bandi Maggio 2021 Settembre 2021

Cascade funding – Bandi Maggio 2021 Settembre 2021

Cosa sono i cascade funding

I cascade funding (letteralmente, finanziamenti a cascata) sono finanziamenti erogati da progetti già finanziati dalla Commissione Europea.

Sono contributi a fondo perduto, con percentuali che possono andare dal 50% al 100% (spesso nella forma del voucher), che vengono erogati per:

  • Sviluppo soluzioni innovative
  • Sviluppo progetti pilota
  • Implementazioni di soluzioni tecnologiche, che utilizzino gli asset sviluppati dal progetto “madre”

Tutti i Bandi in scadenza da Maggio 2021 a Settembre 2021

Di seguito forniamo una lista  delle opportunità di cascade funding in scadenza da Maggio 2021 a Settembre  2021.

Oltre 70 milioni di Euro da assegnare per progetti che vanno dallo sviluppo di soluzioni per Next Generation Internet, fino ai prodotti tessili per lo spazio e la selezione di nuove varietà di frutto.

idea-re può supportare la tua azienda in tutte le fasi di sviluppo del progetto, dall’attività di invio della proposta di finanziamento, fino alla fase di esecuzione. Se vuoi saperne di più, contattaci compilando il form a lato.

Bandi Maggio 2021 Settembre 2021

Progetto Argomento Finanziamento Scadenza
AIPlan4EU AIPlan4EU is currently looking for individuals and SMEs to provide AI Planning Use-cases in areas such as space, agriculture, manufacturing, logistics, autonomous driving, automated experimentation, subsea robotics, or any others that prove to be relevant. €1.500 for use case set up

€30.000 to support the sue case implementation (future calls)

EHDEN The European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN) therefore invites Data Partners in Europe to apply for funding to map their source health data to the OMOP common data model, locally and with continued control and hosting of their data. up to €100.000 13/05/2021
GALACTICA Acceleration program to attract to attract and support the best cross-sectoral projects in the fields of textile, aerospace and advancing manufacturing.

Pioneer acceleration: 4 months

Orbital projects: 6 months

Pioneer acceleration: €20.000 per project

Orbital projects:

€100.000 per project

max€58.000 per SME

HBP SGA3 Human Brain Project (HBP) Call for Expression of Interest (CEoI) to establish EBRAINS Services for Sensitive Data (EBRAINS SSD) as a part of the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure. €1.000.000

(one proposal will be selected)

BlockStart The goal of BlockStart Open Call #3 is to engage blockchain/DLT developers to develop or adapt their solutions to the needs of fintech, ICT and retail sectors. €20.000 + acceleration and mentoring 26/05/2021
SUN Incubation and pre-incubation services adressing European start-ups and scale-ups in the space downstream and upstream sectors. No funding, only incubation services are provided 27/05/2021
 MediaMotorEurope The MediaMotorEurope (MME) programme nurtures high-potential European deeptech innovators, to solve today’s most prominent media industry challenges and support them in building the media solutions of tomorrow. No funding available – however, all services provided are free of charge 27/05/2021
European City Facility The objective of the EUCF is to build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across municipalities/local authorities (or their groupings) in Europe, by providing support to the development of investment concepts.

The EUCF funding is open to municipalities/local authorities, groupings of municipalities/local authorities and local public entities aggregating municipalities/local authorities from all EU Member States, the EEA-EFTA States of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and the United Kingdom.

€60.000 31/05/2021
TRINITY The second TRINITY call for offers you the opportunity to get financial and technical support to test the solutions developed by the TRINITY partners or your own novel solutions to contribute to agile production in European SMEs and slightly bigger companies. €200.000 per demonstrator 1/06/2021
NGI0 Discovery Financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve the objectives of the Next Generation Internet initiative.

Following types of activities qualify for financial support:

  • scientific research
  • design and development of open source software and open hardware
  • validation or constructive inquiry into existing or novel technical solutions
  • software engineering aimed at adapting to new usage areas or improving software quality
  • formal security proofs, security audits, setup and design of software testing and continuous integration
  • documentation for researchers, developers and end users
  • standardisation activities, including membership fees of standards bodies
  • understanding user requirements and improving usability/inclusive design
  • necessary measures in support of (broad)er deployability, e.g. packaging
  • participation in technical, developer and community events like hackathons, IETF, W3C, RIPE meetings, FOSDEM, etc. (admission fee, travel and subsistence costs)
  • other activities that are relevant to adhering to robust software development and deployment practices
  • project management
  • out-of-pocket costs for infrastructure essential to achieving the above
€50.000 1/06/2021
NGI Assure Provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve the objectives of the “Next Generation Internet” initiative.

Following types of activities qualify for financial support:

  • scientific research
  • design and development of open source software and open hardware
  • validation or constructive inquiry into existing or novel technical solutions
  • software engineering aimed at adapting to new usage areas or improving software quality
  • formal security proofs, security audits, setup and design of software testing and continuous integration
  • documentation for researchers, developers and end users
  • standardisation activities, including membership fees of standards bodies
  • understanding user requirements and improving usability/inclusive design
  • necessary measures in support of (broad)er deployability, e.g. packaging
  • participation in technical, developer and community events like hackathons, IETF, W3C, RIPE meetings, FOSDEM, etc. (admission fee, travel and subsistence costs)
  • other activities that are relevant to adhering to robust software development and deployment practices
  • project management
  • out-of-pocket costs for infrastructure essential to achieving the above
From €50.000 up to €200.000 1/06/2021
DigiFed Grants of up to € 50k as well as technical and business support for the development of smart applications in Europe.

Three types of projects will be supported:

  • Single AE: involves one European SME and one DigiFed Technical partner which provides support and expertise.
  • Twin AE: involves two European SMEs with complementary expertise and legally based in two different countries (cross-border condition).
  • Twin AE with one low-digitalized company: involves two SMEs cooperating cross-border, of which at least one with a low digital maturity level. In this configuration, Twin applicants can request the additional optional support of a DigiFed Technical partner.
€50.000 8/06/2021
MPowerBIO MPowerBIO is a business and investment readiness programme that helps ambitious bioeconomy enterprises to scale and make a greater impact.

Services provided:

  • Intensive coaching and networking
  • Access to investors
  • Access to interactive workshops
  • Possibility to pitch at MPowerBIO Regional Events and the European Bioeconomy Venture Forum.


No funding available – all services provided are free of charge 10/06/2021
EUHubs4Data The project EUHubs4data is looking for 18 new driven DIHs (Data Driven Innovation Hubs) to enlarge the current group that composes the European federation of data-driven Innovation Hubs. Fixed: €22.000

Variable (support to experiments): €315.000 (total)

REACH Through an 11-month incubation programme, REACH facilitates cross-sector, data-driven experimentation the development of trusted and secure innovative solutions based on data provided by large corporations. No funding available 16/06/2021
 IMPACT EdTech Applicants should have a team composed of at least two members with proven business, technical (technology/product development) and pedagogical (experience in the educational field, not necessarily teaching) capabilities.

The team will have to test and validate pre-existing prototypes of digital learning solutions for personalised and inclusive learning, as well as for skills development.

€197.388 30/06/2021
INTERRFACE  Develop and/or extend different infrastructures and state-or-the-art technologies of INTERRFACE architecture and data management services to be implemented and validated by INTERRFACE’s pilots €60.000 30/06/2021
 KYKLOS4.0 The objective of the KYKLOS4.0 – Open Call #1 is to accelerate innovation in the digital manufacturing domain by facilitating the implementation of projects led by SMEs and with the participation of an industrial partner. €150.000 per consortium

€60.000 per single entity

 BreedingValue 1. Open call on Genomic selection for strawberry (F. ×ananassa),  employ state-of-the-art methodology on breeders’ material and implement the technology to the breeders. This can help the breeders to do selection in early stages of their breeding program, accelerating the generation cycles by identifying superior parents, and increasing likelihood of identifying good candidates for advanced trialing.

2. Open call on Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS) and Genome wide association studies (GWAS) in Raspberry. Offer breeders an opportunity to screen and select their genotypes of interest against a suite of markers identified by BreedingValue, which can help breeders to better select parental material depending on the trait of interest.


Open call 1: €20.000 per project

Open call 2:

€20.000 per project

XEUROPE Acceleration program for deeptech startups.

Selected deeptech startups get:

  • Free entry and showcasing at X-Europe @ Design Terminal Space Conference, 8-12 November (TBC)
  • Matchmaking opportunities with investors
  • The possibility to build partnerships with corporations (your idea might be the right solution to their business challenges)
  • Online training sessions, including market-leading courses from Growth Tribe and other workshops
  • One-on-one mentoring sessions
  • Talent matchmaking support
  • Media exposure
  • The possibility of joining the Acceleration week by Design Terminal and access to TechChill’s and TNW’s community incubators
No funding available – all services provided are free of charge 30/06/2021
eSSIF-Lab The European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework Lab (eSSIF-Lab) will support the development and testing of novel scalable and interoperable applications using eSSIF-Lab infrastructure or the provision of components to this infrastructure.

Solutions proposed must be in a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 3 to 5 and proposed applications should fall within the Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) concept (i.e. technologies which allow individuals to control their electronic identities and guard their privacy).

€155.000 30/06/2021
DIGITbrain This first Open Call is focused on attracting Third Parties to perform experiments to validate the DIGITbrain solution and to make SMEs more competitive by transferring innovative solutions into the wider manufacturing community. Experiments will be implemented in close collaboration with Digital Innovation Hubs and technical partners of competence centres. €100.000 per consortium 30/06/2021
ELISE ELISE will select 16 SMEs and startups that develop novel AI-based services or applications to address one of the ELISE focus areas. The ideal project is the use case of machine learning technologies. This project can be supported by the Scientific Advisor, who will create the linkage between industry and academia. €60.000 1/07/2021
BlockStart SME adopters will be selected to participate at BlockStart’s Acceleration Programme in two different moments: at the IDEATION KICK-OFF event, a 2-days matchmaking event with blockchain/DLT developers, and at the final stage of the programme, i.e., PILOT stage, in which they will have the chance to again be matched with blockchain/DLT developers who have gone through the acceleration process, and validate/pilot their solutions, helping them fine-tune and refine them according to the SMEs needs. €1.500 6/07/2021
Better Factory Consortia composed of 1 Manufacturing Company1 Technology Supplier (both of the type SME/Mid-Cap or Slightly Bigger Company) and 1 Artist (either of the type SME/Mid-Cap or Slightly Bigger Company or a self‐employed individual) can apply and propose a Knowledge Transfer Experiment (KTE). €200.000 per consortium 15/07/2021
SmartAgriHubs SmartAgriHubs considers DIHs (Digital Innovation Hubs) as key stakeholders that should be attracted by this open call. They should propose projects to promote digital innovation in agri-food that will be realised in their own region or together with other regions. from €100.000 up to €500.000 28/07/2021
SmartAgriHubs Open call for hackathon type of activities that will contribute to a RESTART of the European Agri-Food Economy after the COVID-19 Crisis. Activities shall be proposed by one or several Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). From €10.000 up to €60.000 per hackaton 28/07/2021
SHOP4CF The scope of this open call is to establish pilots by combining modular SHOP4CF components. The applicants are asked to form teams and build pilots that address individual needs in their own manufacturing environments. The pilots are supposed to integrate both pre-existing components developed by the SHOP4CF consortium and new components, developed by the applicants. €100.000 1/08/2021
EJP SOIL The objective of this call is to foster holistic agricultural (forestry soils are not excluded) soil management practices which will assist in making a shift to diversify farming to include a variety of sustainable and environmental practices.

Interested project consortia should apply to one of the three topics:

a) Understanding SOC sequestration (stabilisation, storage and persistence);

b) Soil biodiversity: status, and role in ecosystem services provided by soils;

c) Site-specific or landscape-scale approaches to improve sustainability, resilience, health, and productivity of soils

Budget defined at national level 7/09/2021

(project registration: 25/05/2021)

LEAP-RE The LEAP-RE Joint Call 2021 will fund basic research, applied research and experimental development projects that are 12-36 months long. Budget defined at national level 15/09/2021

(pre-proposal 1/04/2021)