idea-re è partner dell’ European Sustainable Biofuels Forum (ESBF), progetto Europeo lanciato il 17 settembre per lo studio e la promozione dei biocarburanti sostenibili in Europa
European Sustainable Biofuels Forum
L’ European Sustainable Biofuels Forum (ESBF) riunisce i principali rappresentanti dei produttori di biocarburanti in Europa, per offrire un quadro aggiornato e chiaro dello stato normativo e dello sviluppo del settore.
Questa la missione del Forum:
“The European Sustainable Biofuels Forum (ESBF) was created in 2012 to spread extensive and accurate information on the state of play of European biofuels. We are committed to provide regularly technical and market information as well as regulatory insight of our sector. The ESBF is also strongly focusing on providing an unite platform for future developments of technologies and use of alternative advanced resources. The information provided here aims at facilitating the Commission, the stakeholders and national authorities with detailed understanding on the further deployment of the different types of biofuels in and outside the EU market.
As such, ESBF is a single organisation grouping the European biofuels producers and policy actors under one single umbrella in order to address common issues and promote the development of alternative fuels.”
idea-re è partner del consorzio Europeo in qualità di ente di supporto al segretariato del Forum.
Per maggiori informazioni: www.sustainablebiofuelsforum.eu
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