Bandi Cascade funding in scadenza fino ad ottobre 2022

Bandi Cascade funding in scadenza fino ad ottobre 2022

Tutti i bandi Cascade funding in scadenza fino ad Ottobre 2022

Cosa sono i finanziamenti europei cascade funding

I finanziamenti europei cascade funding (letteralmente, finanziamenti a cascata) sono finanziamenti europei erogati da progetti già finanziati dalla Commissione Europea attraverso bandi europei.  In questo post segnaliamo i bandi di finanziamento di Cascade funding aperti da Luglio 2022 a Settembre 2022.

I finanziamenti europei cascade funding erogano contributi a fondo perduto, con percentuali che possono andare dal 50% al 100% (spesso nella forma del voucher), che vengono erogati per:

  • Sviluppo soluzioni innovative
  • Sviluppo progetti pilota
  • Implementazioni di soluzioni tecnologiche, che utilizzino componenti sviluppati dal progetto “madre”

Tutti i Bandi europei cascade funding in scadenza da Agosto  2022 a Ottobre 2022

Ecco tutte le opportunità disponibili da Febbraio 2022 ad Aprile 2022:

idea-re può supportare la tua azienda in tutte le fasi di sviluppo del progetto, dall’attività di invio della proposta di finanziamento, fino alla fase di esecuzione. Se vuoi saperne di più, contattaci compilando il form a lato.

Finanziamenti europei Cascade funding Agosto 2022

Progetto Argomento Finanziamento Scadenza
NGI-Open Next generation internet

We are looking for projects that have research and development as primary objective and that commit to generate open knowledge and open source building blocks relevant to developers, operators and users across all kinds of public and private application domains that have standardization potential.

up to €200.000 01/08/2022
KITT4SME AI Manufacturing

Integrate your AI solution to the KITT4SME platform and demonstrate it in the shop floor of the manufacturing end user.
Small teams (min.2 max.3 entities) consisting of at least 1 Solution Provider having a mature AI solution for the manufacturing industry and at least 1 Manufacturing End User operating in discrete manufacturing.

€200.000 per consortium 12/08/2022

Finanziamenti europei cascade funding Settembre 2022

Progetto Argomento Finanziamento Scadenza
i4Trust Keywords: Data Management, Data services

i4Trust launches its second Open Call to select up to 19 Bottom-Up Experiments (Experiments) in order to:

Mobilize DIH and European companies to understand the demand for data, establish data sharing partnerships and identify concrete use cases relying on trusted and effective sharing of data

Support the aforementioned entities in adopting the user-friendly and proven technologies for data sharing based on CEF-compatible iSHARE and FIWARE Building Blocks, which cover all the operational, legal, technical and governance aspects related to data sharing

Up to 120.000€ per experiment
(micro consortia: 1DIH and 3 SMEs)
URBAN TECH Open Call Keywords: Health Tech, Smart City, Greentech

URBAN TECH supports the acceleration of competitive success of European SMEs through market launch of new or significantly improved products and services with higher value (with higher quality, increased access, eco-innovative, resource efficient and internationally scalable). In long term perspective, the project aims to innovate and increase the competitiveness of European Health Tech, Smart City and Greentech industries globally.


€325-850 as TRAVEL VOUCHER (TV)
€20.000- €30.000 as PILOTING VOUCHER (PV)
IoT-NGIN Keywords: IoT

The objective of the IoT-NGIN – Open Call #2 is to validate the IoT-NGIN components/technology by EU based SMEs active in IoT applications’ development.

IoT-NGIN announces Open Call #2 and invites SMEs active in IoT applications development to implement innovative IoT applications that use heterogeneous IoT and IoT-NGIN components to offer new services and validate the IoT-NGIN components.

The open call will have three phases: DESIGN (where 10 proposals will be selected), EXPERIMENT (where the 6 top projects from the DESIGN phase will enter this phase), GROWTH (where the 3 top projects from the EXPERIMENT phase will enter).

Up to €70.000 30/09/2022

Finanziamenti europei cascade funding Ottobre 2022 (in aggiornamento)

Progetto Argomento Finanziamento Scadenza
Women tech EU Funding support to women led startups €75.000 04/10/2022