Cosa sono i cascade funding
I cascade funding (letteralmente, finanziamenti a cascata) sono finanziamenti erogati da progetti già finanziati dalla Commissione Europea.
Sono contributi a fondo perduto, con percentuali che possono andare dal 50% al 100% (spesso nella forma del voucher), che vengono erogati per:
- Sviluppo soluzioni innovative
- Sviluppo progetti pilota
- Implementazioni di soluzioni tecnologiche, che utilizzino gli asset sviluppati dal progetto “madre”
Tutti i Bandi in scadenza da Febbario 2021 a Maggio 2021
Di seguito forniamo una lista delle opportunità di cascade funding in scadenza da Febbraio 2021 a Maggio 2021.
Oltre 53 milioni di Euro da assegnare per progetti che vanno dallo sviluppo di soluzioni per la più grande infrastruttura informatica in Europa, fino alla prototipazione per nuove soluzione nel settore medicale.
idea-re può supportare la tua azienda in tutte le fasi di sviluppo del progetto, dall’attività di invio della proposta di finanziamento, fino alla fase di esecuzione. Se vuoi saperne di più, contattaci compilando il form a lato.
Bandi Febbraio 2021 Maggio 2021
Progetto | Argomento | Finanziamento | Scadenza |
DIGI-B-CUBE | Customised solution innovation voucher. Funding to jointly develop a novel product/ service based on an existing proven concept that addresses a digitalisation challenge in the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains. Consortia consisting of minimum two SMEs and maximum three organisations | €50.000 per SME
€150.000 per project |
03/02/2021 |
DIGI-B-CUBE | Prototyping Voucher. Prototype or conceptualise a solution for a digitalisation challenge in the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains. Consortia consisting of minimum two SMEs and maximum three organisations | €20.000 per SME€60.000 per project | 03/02/2021 |
EUHubs4Data | SMEs, start-ups and groups of entrepreneurs are invited to propose innovative data driven experiments that involves services and datasets from the federated catalogue of EUHubs4Data. | €60.000
per team |
08/02/2021 |
REACH | Projects led by SMEs including a Data Value Chain (DVC) scenario where value is created from the sharing of data, proposing innovative products and services making use of Big Data tools but also adhering to one of the participation tracks defined below. | Up to 120.000€ funding | 15/02/2021 |
SmartX | Project addresses smart textiles to realise a smart function that adds value to the end user of the enables product or service. | Up to 60.000€ | 15/02/2021
(Expression of interest requird) |
DIGIFED | GENERIC EXPERIMENT Open Call 1 ON CYBERSECURITY: SECURE PLATFORM FOR IOT. Collaboration with GE to test adn validate GE Secure platform. | €5.000 | 17/02/2021 |
NGI Explorers | Sponsor to European Top researchers and innovators (called Explorers) to join a unique technology expedition in the US. | 18/02/2021 | |
UFO | Collaborative projects from European SMEs (based in Bulgaria, France, Greece, Romania, United Kingdom) to develop innovative products and services by integrating new embedded technology solutions in the Small Flying Objects (SFO) area i.e. Smallsats, Drones and High Altitude platform systems, to support six Emerging Industries. | Up to €60.000 for SMEs | 18/02/2021 |
METABUILDING | Innovation voucher to help SME to validate an idea for an innovation project in consturction sector. Sme must be from: Austria, Francem Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Spain. | €5.000
+ services |
28/02/2021 |
NGIatlantic.eu | Support to carry out high-quality research & innovation activities on NGI experimental platforms. | Up to €75.000 and up to €150.000 | 26/02/2021 |
SHAPES | innovative solutions that can be integrated in the SHAPES Platform in support of active and healthy ageing and independent living. Challenges: Urinalysis in a home setting; Monitoring of nutrition intake; Monitoring hydration and quantity of fluid intake; Smart Connectables for health and wellbeing; Speech-enabled chatbots; Social Support in local community; Open Topic calling. | up to €50.000 | 28/02/2021 |
GATEKEEPER | The objective of the first Open Call is to engage actively new technology members, in the GATEKEEPER Ecosystem, supplying new AI and Big Data applications, tools or components which will be incorporated in the technology offering portfolio of GATEKEEPER to Pilots and Platform designers and developers. | €60.000 per project | 28/02/2021 |
BOWI | Experiments from local Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) from these regions to activate cross-border technology transfer programmes together with BOWI Network Mature DIHs.
Up to €100.000 for every project | 01/03/2021 |
SMART4ALL | Support to self-sustained, cross-border experiments (from consortia of at least 3 members) that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry. It targets Customised Low-Energy Computing (CLEC), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things (IoT) . | From €8.000 up to €80.000 | 01/03/2021 |
HUBCAP | Funding and services for the deployment of MBD CPS products/services either by integrating the HUBCAP ecosystem offers in their products or implementing these in a new MBD CPS solution | From €30.000 to €75.000 per consortium | 04/03/2021 |
PLATOON | The scope of the Call is to develop and/or extend different components of the PLATOON reference architecture (interoperability layer, data governance and security framework, etc.) including data analytics tools to be implemented and validated by PLATOON’s large scale pilots.
PLATOON will support SMEs with experience in at least one of the following experimentation areas: Data governance, security, privacy and sovereignty.; Digital Interoperability; Data Analytics applications in energy (such as Energy usage optimization, Predictive maintenance, Demand forecast, etc.); Edge computing (SW/HW) |
Up to €150.000 | 4/03/2021 |
S3FOOD | Support to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) from the food production and processing chain, digital solution providers or process technology providers to test and analyse for future development (e.g., market analysis, analysis of regulatory framework, etc.), to validate a digital solution in relevant environment for a new application case. | From €15.000 to €180.000 | 10/03/2021 |
RIMA | The Robotics Innovation Experiments (RIE) consist of developing, testing and validating the technical and economic viability of a robotic-based representative model or prototype system to be applied in ‘Target Use Domain’ operational environment. Beneficiaries to progress from TRL5 or TRL6 to TRL7. | €150.000 | 17/03/2021 |
Better Factory | Small consortia (Manufacturing SMEs, Artists, or Tech Suppliers) that aim at a diversification of the Manufacturing SMEs/Mid-caps product portfolio with an aim to enhance their business models with customised and individualised products and new services around the products. Projects will prioritise the following sectors: Plastic and Rubber; Furniture and Wood; Food and Agriculture; Construction; Metal and Machinery; Textile and Leather. | Up to €200.000 | 18/03/2021
(Expression of interest required as a condition to apply) |
TRUBLO | TRUBLO Open Call will stimulate research teams led by developers, innovators, researchers, SMEs, entrepreneurs and academia to define and implement small scale research projects on one of the two topics: Topic Trust and reputation models on blockchains; Topic Proof-of-validity and proof-of-location. | Innovation phase: €75.000
Progress phase: €100.000 |
19/03/2021 |
GALATEA | Innovative SMEs from the Maritime (port, ship, shipyard, maritime surveillance), ICT, Aerospatial, Aeronautic sectors wishing to submit proposals related to Blue Growth. Applicants must be either member of one of the GALATEA consortium clusters or established or with a branch office in the GALATEA territorial scope (France, Greece, Poland, Romania and Spain). | Development and technology transfer (€20.000 per proposal)
Prototyping (€60.000 SME) Large-scale demonstrator (€60.000 SME). |
31/03/2021 |
NGI Assure | NGI Assure (NGI-GO2S) is looking for building blocks including (but are not limited to) quantum-proof cryptography, public key infrastructure, (augmented) authenticated key exchange, ratchet mechanisms (such as the Noise protocol) that securely chain key material, | From €50.000 up to €200.000 | 01/04/2021 |
NGI POINTER | Support to “NGI architects” to change the underlying fabric of the internet and the web, by supporting promising bottom up projects that are able to build on top of state-of-the-art research, scalable protocols and tools to assist in the practical transition or migration to new or updated technologies, whilst keeping European values at the core. | €200.000 | 01/04/2021 |
NGI Zero Discovery | Discovery and identification technologies allow to search and access large heterogeneous data sources and services. | €5.000 to | 01/04/2021 |
PULSATE | Technology Transfer Experiments proposed by a Consortium including minimum 2 SMEs and/or slightly bigger companies acting as Technology Provider and at least one Manufacturing Company (end user).
TTE experiments have to address experimentation areas:
€150.000 for each experiment | 22/04/2021 |
WeldGalaxy | SMEs or MidCaps applying alone or in small consortia (2 to 3 partners) from the EU and H2020 Associated Countries that develop technology solution that covers one of the technical challenges:
€100.000 per project | 29/04/2021 |
INNO4COV-19 | INNO4COV-19 Open Call aims to provide financial support to companies with the goal of accelerating the development and commercialization of innovative solutions that tackle COVID-19 and that have already been validated in lab environments (TRL6 or higher). | €100.000 per project | 30/04/2021 |
SmartEEs | SmartEEs2 will provide support to develop flexible & wearable electronics as solutions in the field of prevention, diagnostics, therapy, etc.
Therefore, SmartEEs2 will preferentially support a minimum of 2 Application Experiment proposals related to this thematic particularly under the 1st cut-off date; and possibly more proposals in subsequent cut-offs. |
Up to €100.000
(grant + in kind contributions) |
31/08/2021 |